
The range method allows you to retrieve vectors from the index within a specified range. The function accepts the following parameters:

  • cursor: A cursor to start the range query.
  • prefix: A string prefix to match vector IDs. All vectors with IDs that start with this prefix will be retrieved.
  • limit: The maximum number of vectors to retrieve in a single query.
  • include_vectors: A boolean flag indicating whether to include vectors in the range results.
  • include_metadata: A boolean flag indicating whether to include metadata in the range results.
  • include_data: A boolean flag indicating whether to include data in the range results.

As response, the object has the following fields:

  • next_cursor: A cursor indicating the position to start the next range query. If "", there are no more results.
  • vectors: A list containing information for each vector, including id, vector, and metadata.

The range command is stateless, meaning you need to pass all of the parameters in each subsequent request.

Range Example

from upstash_vector import Index

index = Index.from_env()

# Execute the range query
range_result = index.range(

# Print the range result
print("Next Cursor:", range_result.next_cursor)

for vector_info in range_result.vectors:
    print("Vector:", vector_info.vector)
    print("Metadata:", vector_info.metadata)

Range with id prefix

This will retrieve all vectors with IDs that start with the prefix.


Scanning Whole Index

For scanning the entire index, you can use a similar loop as shown below:

res = index.range(cursor="", limit=5)

while res.next_cursor != "":
    res = index.range(cursor=res.next_cursor, limit=10)

Also, you can specify a namespace to operate on. When no namespace is provided, the default namespace will be used.

index.range(..., namespace="ns")